Eighth Grade Math
Our students solidify their calculation and computation skills and broaden their repertoire of problem-solving skills through “real-world” applications of math. We emphasize the development of number sense, teaching estimation, and encouraging students to check their answers for reasonableness.
The aim of section 8-1 is to prepare students for Algebra 1 in high school by expanding their knowledge of real numbers, measurement, geometry, patterns, and functions. They will use algebraic expressions to represent real world scenarios; solve, write, and graph multi-step linear equations and inequalities, learn properties of exponents, simplify exponential expressions, and solve systems of equations and inequalities. Hands-on activities are used to strengthen their understanding of abstract concepts, to exchange ideas, and to develop their ability to communicate and reason.
Students in 8-2 generally complete a full Algebra I course, including the study of linear functions and systems, exponents, polynomials, quadratics, and radical functions. Students in 8-3 will complete Algebra 1. Additional topics such as logarithms, matrices, and vectors will be explored, as time allows. Contingent upon their performance on placement tests at their respective high schools, many 8-2 and 8-3 students will move on to Geometry or Algebra II math classes as ninth graders.